1. Uninstall the application
Gadgets are add-ons for the app launched on your phone. Gadgets require the app to run after scenes continuously in order to retrieve and display data. Calls with a lack of RAM often kill applications to answer the ones you are currently using. Just posting an app that stays dormant for a while may update the gadget.
3 Pictures
screen for ongoing applications
Menu with the app lock option
An in-app application screen with a lock icon
Additionally, you can lock the app in memory by assuming it is supported by your Android gadget. Open the new apps screen, press and hold the application you need to stick to your phone memory, then press Lock. The locked application is displayed with a small lock icon next to the app name. You will not have the option to wipe it off the screen of new apps until you open it the same way. Some tricks in this cycle may change slightly depending on your phone maker.
Ways to Fix Unresponsive Widgets on Android |
2. Restart Your Device
Here and there a quick reset is all that is needed for the management of your phone to accumulate properly. This also enables apps and gadgets on your home screen to turn their wheels. To restart your gadget, press the real power button and select Restart.
3. Uninstall and Re-Add Widget
Another compelling way to fix an inert gadget is to delete and re-add. To remove a gadget from your home screen, tap and hang on it, then drag it to the Delete name (on the other hand, you may need to click the button by reading Delete Home, or a comparison).